
McKesson Update Regarding McKesson Brands Soaps and Sanitizers Cost Increases (October 2020)


CCPA Purchasing Partners (CCPAPP) and McKesson would like to provide the latest update as it relates to the recent price increases for McKesson Brands soaps and sanitizers.

The outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent CDC recommendations have resulted in a significant demand for hand hygiene items. As the industry has seen in many other product categories, COVID-19 is creating both supply and cost challenges with soaps and sanitizers. In response to these factors, McKesson is announcing price increases on the McKesson Brands soap and sanitizer product portfolio effective November 1, 2020.

Please review the Customer Letter provided by McKesson. For additional information on supply, availability, and additional resources please visit McKesson’s COVID-19 website

Please contact your McKesson Account Executive or call Customer Service at 866.625.2679 with questions. Members may also email Kristen Boniface, Chicago Area Sales Manager for McKesson, at You may also contact CCPAPP at or by phone at 312.227.7444.



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