CCPA Purchasing Partners and Sanofi Pasteur are excited to inform our members that Sanofi Pasteur will be eliminating the $25 service fee currently assessed on non-influenza vaccine shipments less than $600.  read more
Effective January 1, 2019 Sanofi Pasteur will update pricing to its contracted vaccines. Effective November 15, 2018 Merck has updated pricing to certain contracted vaccines. For members of CCPAPP, there is currently a 90-day price discount available through February 12, 2019 to purchase Merck vaccine products at the pre-increase price.  read more
Merck recently announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an expanded age indication for GARDASIL 9, Merck's 9-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. GARDASIL 9 is now approved for use in appropriate patients ages 9 through 45 years to help protect against certain HPV-related cancers and diseases.  read more
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